Can You Use A Rock Tumbler For Jewelry Polishing?

Whether you’re a jewelry maker or collector, you’re likely going to encounter dirty, tarnished jewelry. Most people want perfection so they’ll need to find a way to properly polish their jewelry without damaging the item in question. In some cases, you may be able to use a rock tumbler to safely polish your jewelry.

A rotary tumbler can help polish your bracelets and necklaces while eliminating burrs. Below, you’ll find out more about polishing jewelry by using a rotary tumbler.

Can Jewelry Be Polished In A Rock Tumbler?

Your jewelry items can likely be polished in a small rotary rock tumbler. However, the process is slightly different than polishing rocks. Therefore, you’ll have to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the jewelry and to ensure that you get a beautiful finish. You’ll need a suitable rotary tumbler, soap, and polished steel shot.

In terms of soap, it is best to avoid using detergent. Instead, you can use ivory soap flakes. Make sure you have enough steel to fill half of the tumbler barrel.

Preparing The Jewelry

Before tumbling your jewelry, it is important to pick the right items. It is never wise to tumble multiple chains at once. You also don’t want to mix items that could damage one another. Rings and earrings can be tumbled with one chain. You’ll also want to make sure that the jewelry is close to the polishing phase. Any excess solder must be removed and the jewelry should have a smooth finish.

To ensure that the finish is uniform, smooth the material using a 1000-grit piece of sandpaper. You can also use a sanding block or disc. Tumbling is primarily done to polish the material and remove small blemishes. It is not going to remove scratches so you’ll have to deal with them first.

Polishing Jewelry With A Tumbler

A tumbler can be used to polish your jewelry. Start by getting everything you need. Open the barrel and pour steel shot into it. It is best to fill the barrel up halfway, but the exact amount will depend on how much jewelry you plan to polish. Once you’ve added the steel, you’ll want to pour water into the barrel. The water should be at least three-quarters of an inch above the shot.

A tablespoon of soap should be added now. Place the jewelry items into the barrel. Keep the contents loose so there is plenty of room for the jewelry to jump. Finally, it is time to close the lid and turn on the tumbler. Make sure that the lid is properly secured so the barrel doesn’t leak.

The tumbler should be allowed to operate for a few hours. Eight hours would be the maximum duration. Once this time has passed, the jewelry can be removed from the barrel and rinsed thoroughly.

How Long To Tumble Jewelry

Stones can be tumbled for weeks, but jewelry should never be tumbled for that long. The exact duration will depend on the jewelry you’re tumbling. However, it is common for professionals to tumble jewelry for up to eight hours. Some people believe that six hours will be enough. Tumbling for this long is recommended if you’re making jewelry and it is a step of the production.

If you’re only trying to improve the appearance of your jewelry, you can try tumbling for an hour or so. In many cases, that should be enough to polish the finish. Be sure to keep an eye on the water. Over time, it will become very dirty due to the contaminants. It might be a good idea to replace the water.

Replace the water, burnishing material, and soap.

Tips For Tumbling Jewelry

With practice, you’ll become much better at polishing your jewelry using a tumbler. Nevertheless, it is going to require trial and error to perfect the process. Use the advice below to get the best results and protect your jewelry to the fullest.

  • When filling the barrel, make sure that the steel is completely covered with water and soap. If the shot is exposed to the air, it may rust.
  • Chains or necklaces should never be polished simultaneously. Otherwise, the chains will end up getting tangled and possibly even destroyed. Instead, polish a necklace with rings and earrings.
  • Some people polish stones and jewelry using the same tumbler. Although this is fine, it is pertinent to clean the barrel completely. If you don’t, the remnants from the stones may scratch your items.
  • Before polishing jewelry, the antiquing should be removed. If you don’t, the chemicals may cause green spots.
  • It is always best to polish gemstones separately. Don’t set them until they’ve been polished. Otherwise, they may damage the metal jewelry.
  • Walnut shell media is commonly utilized by jewelry designers when polishing gold and platinum pieces. It can be utilized alone or combined with another type of media.

Polish Before Gem Is Mounted

Professional jewelers have relied on rock tumblers for centuries to polish their handmade settings. In addition to polishing gold, platinum, silver, palladium, titanium, and tungsten settings, the rock tumbler is a necessity for polishing gems. Jewelry that does not glisten will not attract consumers.

When a gem is ready to be mounted, it has already been fully polished. Repeating the process could result in damage that is irreparable. Experts recommend polishing the setting prior to mounting the gem(s). Avoiding any unnecessary tumbling will ensure the integrity of the gem.


A tumbler can be used to polish rocks, gems, jewelry, and other items. However, the process will vary significantly depending on the items that you’re trying to polish. If you want to polish your jewelry, you need to be careful to avoid damaging these items. Be sure to use enough soap, water, and steel shot. By following this advice, you can satisfactorily polish your jewelry in a tumbler without damaging anything.

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