Why Is My Rock Tumbler Not Working?

Individuals who are interested in tumbling rocks should learn more about the equipment that they’re going to use. The rock tumbler is the heart and soul of the operation so it is best to start here. At some point, you may load the barrel and plug in the cord only to find that the tumbler is not working. A veteran may be able to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

First, you should start by finding out why your rock tumbler may not be working.

Common Rock Tumbler Issues

Rock tumblers are simple machines as they don’t have many parts. In particular, you have the motor and the barrel. The motor will move the barrel so the stones can be polished. Depending on the type of tumbler you have, the barrel may vibrate or rotate. Certain issues are more common than others. If your tumbler isn’t working, there is a good chance that the barrel has stopped moving.

Otherwise, you may notice that the barrel is leaking. It may be possible to rectify the problem, but you may have to replace the tumbler. It depends on the problem and its severity.

The Inner Lid Is Not Seated Properly

As the rotary barrel continually turns over, it will toss the contents around. Pieces of stone and other debris will be dislodged. The smaller dislodged particles can collect in the inner lid of the rotary barrel. If this material prevents the lid from closing fully, it can result in leaks.

Fixing this problem only requires disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling the barrel and lid. The barrel and lid should always be cleaned regularly to prevent this from happening.

Lid Improperly Seated

The leak may be caused because the lid isn’t properly aligned. The retaining ring or sealing surface isn’t properly seated against the lid and barrel surface. The problem may be traced back to the assembly process. Most people should be able to fix this problem quickly. Start by emptying the barrel and cleaning everything thoroughly.

Make sure that gaskets are cleaned and free of debris. If the gasket is damaged, it may need to be replaced. Ignoring the leak and running the machine could result in a damaged seal, a misshapen lid, a chipped barrel, or any of the above. Once it reaches this severity, a barrel replacement may be required.

Rough Edges And Cracks

When it comes to tumblers, there is going to be natural wear after repeated usage. Given the fact that most modern tumbling lids are comprised of plastic or fiberboard, they can be damaged easily. Dropping the machine or running it when the lid is misaligned could cause rough edges or cracks. When possible, you may be able to replace the lid. Otherwise, the entire barrel should be changed.

Tightening The Nut Too Much

A nut is used to help ensure that the lid is secure. Unfortunately, unaware individuals may end up over-tightening the nut to the point that they damage something. Some will use a wrench to tighten the nut because they believe this is necessary, but it usually isn’t. Instead, you only need to tighten the nut using your fingers.

It should only be hand tightened. When the nut is over-tightened, the edge of the lid may become warped. The small gap could cause the barrel to leak. The lid will have to be replaced since it has been deformed.

Too Much Gas

The tumbling process will cause the materials to release gas. Acidic rocks, metal, glass, and metallic ore will release gas into the tumbling barrel. If you’re going to be tumbling these items, special precautions must be taken to avoid damaging the tumbler. In particular, you should burp the barrel at least every 24 hours. Remove the lid slowly to relieve the pressure.

Cracked Lid

Some users will find that their barrel lid has a crack. It might not be leaking right now, but the leak is likely going to occur with repeated use. Therefore, it is best to address this problem right away. The best way to do that is by purchasing a replacement lid. The machine may still be under warranty.

Aged Lid

Tumbler lids are going to wear down over time. Manufacturers often create lids using plastic and other cheap materials so the lids are not going to last forever. Once the lid is severely worn, it may stop sealing properly. At this point, it is best to replace the lid to prevent leaks.

Barrel Damage

Over time, the barrel is going to take a lot of abuse. It will have to hold in a lot of pressure. The barrel might’ve bulged at one point, even if you didn’t notice it. Regardless, it may develop small cracks and fractures. Once the barrel is damaged, it may start leaking. If the barrel needs to be replaced, it might be time to consider purchasing a new tumbler.

Load Too Heavy

Rock tumbling is exciting in every sense of the word. Beginners, especially, are anxious about producing their first batch of polished gems, stones, and rocks. Some skip the most vital part of the process, reading the instructions. Every rock tumbler model has a unique interface that requires specific steps to operate properly.

Following the manufacturer’s load recommendation is vital for the integrity of your new rock tumbler. If the load recommendation is six pounds, even an ounce more will place unnecessary strain on the motor.

Worn Belt

Rock tumbler belts are constructed from rubber to ensure durability and longevity. The belt heats up fairly quickly, allowing the rubber to form to the pulley. Within seconds, the rubber is warm enough to pull the pulley into action.

The damage sustained during the operation process is obvious. Over time, the rubber becomes more fragile. A severely worn belt will not jumpstart the pulley.

Faulty Motor

A rock tumbler explosion can be extremely serious, often due to a faulty motor, such incidents have caused damage to property, fires and injuries. It is highly recommended that you do your research before purchasing a rock tumbler, ask family and friends, read reviews and speak to suppliers.

Rotary and vibratory rock tumblers are mostly powered by mains electricity, which should always be used with caution, any faulty device should never be connected to an electrical source.

As previously mentioned, thorough research is advised before the purchase of a rock tumbler, however, you should be able to purchase a quality product if you buy from a reputable company and they will be able to offer sound advice on all aspects of rock tumbling.

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